Friday, September 22, 2017

News for Next Week!

Happy Weekend!!!

I hope that you are enjoying time with the warm weather!

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

-On Monday we are going to be using our "Tiny Topics Notebooks" (if they are at home, please send them)!! :)

-Next week we are going to be spreading our love for reading by doing a project about our favorite book.  We will not be doing this until later in the week, but if your child has a favorite book that they have read at home, I encouraged them to bring it in (so that they can use examples from the story when they write about it).  They don't need the book if they know it well, but some may want to bring it in.

-We have started a very new math curriculum.  It requires a lot of thinking about HOW we are doing math and explaining it.  This is big jump for kids this year and it will be a challenging transition for most kids.  I am planning on sending a Family Letter each week that comes with the new curriculum, but it does mention homework.  We still have a no homework policy for the district, but if you would like to use the family letter to work on anything extra, feel free (do not feel like you need to do what the letter suggests).  Sometimes I may attach the quiz that your child took at the end of a "lesson" (which is usually 5 days long).  These quizzes will be challenging for your child in class because it is such a big transition in deeper thinking and explaining.  Please don't be alarmed if they had a tough time completing the quiz (especially early on in the year), but you could use it to talk over more if they get a quiz sent home.  This past week, our topic was fact families.

Next weeks Specials:
Monday: ***LIBRARY (bring books)
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Phy. Ed.
Thursday: Music
Friday: Phy. Ed.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!! :)

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