Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Halloween and Newsletter

It is almost Halloween!!!  I don't know how we are this far into the school year, but next Tuesday, October 31st is the WES Halloween parade!  For those of you that are new to Windsor, your child will be able to wear their costume to school on Tuesday and right away in the morning they will be walking in the Windsor parade. :) Please send your child with a change of clothes for after.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to come and see your child walk with their classmates.  After the parade you are welcome to come and take pictures in our classroom.  As of right now, the parade will be taking place outside the school (but we are told that it may change if the weather is bad).

I also have some students that have come up with a classroom newsletter of information that they think parents might want to know each week.  They did a great job of coming up with some important stuff for next week and writing an awesome small summary of our learning from this short week.  

Here is the "newspaper" that they came up with for you:

We have worked hard on wrapping up the first units of writing (personal narratives/real stories) and reading (working on various strategies that 2nd graders use to read accurately, fluently and remember what they read).  In reading, we sorted out all of the strategies that we learned so far into what they really help us do.  Also, there are a few kids that will still be sharing their personal narratives with the class next week, but most kids have been bringing all of their narrative stories home this week in a bright yellow "folder" - so watch for that coming.  They have worked very hard on their published pieces!

One more quick thing: in math next week we are finishing up the first unit which was mostly about completing story problems and ways to add and subtract numbers.  We will be taking time next week to review and prepare for our "end of the unit" math test that we will be taking towards the end of the week.  

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you on Tuesday for the parade!!! :)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Happy Weekend!! If you missed Open House, please read this with your child!! :)

Happy Friday everyone!!

I know that there was so much going on Thursday night that many of you were not able to make it to Open House.  On Thursday, the class brainstormed some of the things that they would want to show and tell about to whoever they brought.  I also told all the kids that couldn't make it to Open House that I would put pictures up of what they wanted to show, so that they could still tell you all about what they've been up to so far.

Here are some of the things they came up with:

Here are some of the things they wanted to tell you about what we have been learning.  They have all been working so hard!!!

Kids have been recommending great books to others..ask them about their book recommendation project:

How we recommend books to others in the classroom:

Ask your child what they wrote on their acorn as their Favorite part of 2nd grade:

They came up with some great ideas to put on our class contract.  Ask your child why we put a crumpled heart up by our class contract, or what we learned with some tubes of toothpaste:

They also wanted you to guess which one is them. :)

I can't tell you how proud I am of this class and how hard they have been working together this year.  Thank you for all that you do for your kids.  Have a wonderful weekend!!!

-Mrs. Balczewski